Rabu, 02 November 2011

Shaun The Sheep (The Gang)

Shaun The Sheep (The Gang)

Ini dia pemain yang ada di Shaun The Sheep. Ga semuanya, ini yang paling mencolok x ya...
Klo mau liat lengkap silahkan lihat di website resminya DISINI.


Shaun is the leader of the flock. He's clever, cool and always keeps his head, when the other sheep are losing theirs!

Shirley is an eating machine! She's so big that she often gets stuck and needs the other sheep to push, pull or even sling-shot her out of trouble!


The farmer's faithful dog and a good friend to Shaun, Bitzer's the ever suffering sheep dog, doing his best to keep Shaun's pals out of trouble!

Running the farm with Bitzer at his side, the Farmer is complelety oblivious to the human-like intelligence of his flock... or their stupidity!


He may be the baby of the flock, but Timmy is often at the centre of things! It's a good job his mum is always there to keep him safe.

The Flork
One big happy (if slightly dopey) family, the sheep like to play and create mischief together, though it's usually Shaun and Bitzer who sort out the resulting mess!

3 Pigs
These 3 porky pests are always trying to antagonise the Sheep and get them into trouble. Thank goodness Bitzer is around!

Shaun's nemesis, Pidsley, desires to be the sole recipient of the Farmer's attention. He is jealous of Bitzer's relationship with the farmer and dislikes the sheep, thinking them stupid and beneath him.

Shaun The Sheep

Waktu liat iklan'y, film apa ini embe kurus gitu.
Eh, waktu nelp keponakan w rara yang lucu kan w nanya "neng rara lg apa?" katanya "lagi nonton embe".
w coba ikutan tu....
Eh.. Ternyata... Eh... Ternyata... LUCU juga. wkwkwkkwkwk

Pertama liat waktu episode yg embe'y mau dicukur bulu'y sama majikan'y. dipotongnya itu bondol abis. nah... embe" yang lain pada ga suka model'y, trs dirusaklah alat pencukur'y. Sementara sang majikan ngebetulin alat cukur, eh itu embe pada pergi k kota lwt bawah tanah... w kira mau kabur, ternyata pada ke kota bwt pergi ke salon. wkwkwkkwkwkkwk.....
Setelah itu w jadi ketagihan nonton tuh Embe. Lucu sih, banyak akalnya :D

Model animasinya sama kaya Bob The Builder.... Model ky tanah liat atau lilin" gt.
Udah ini iseng" ngepost pemainnya. biar pada kenal. w juga blm kenal nama"nya sih, cuma si shaun aja yg w tahu. he he he
Nih.... ada cuplikan film'y yg bikin w jadi ketagihan nonton. wkwkwkkwkwkk

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